Alocasia Corazon (Alocasia Corazon Aquino)

Alocasia Corazon Plant Features

Alocasia Corazon Aquino (often classified as Alocasia heterophylla Corazon Aquino, though that appears to be under some debate by botanists) is a hard-to-find plant native to the Philippines that's become quite trendy with plant parents in North America and around the world. 

The plant features arrow-shaped green leaves with a silvery-blue overlay. This gives it a distinct look from other popular Alocasia varieties commonly available, including Poly and Silver Dragon. Like many Alocasia varieties, Corazon Aquino is a lovely specimen to display on large desks or tabletops. As it matures, the leaves can grow to 12 inches or more long. 

Alocasia Corazon Aquino is evergreen and does not go dormant in winter like some Alocasia varieties. 

Buy Alocasia Corazon Aquino
Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Look for Costa Farms' Silver Streak Pothos in the Trending Tropicals® collection at your favorite retailer. See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners. Buy now

Alocasia Corazon Growing Instructions

Light Needs for Alocasia Corazon Aquino
To keep this rare houseplant happy, grow it in a spot that receives medium to bright light. If you're unsure what that means, check to see if the plant casts a medium or strong shadow throughout the day. While it enjoys bright light, it can survive in lower light conditions. Without bright light, though, it will not be as full or as lush.
Tip: It does not require sunlight to thrive. It grows well under natural or artificial light sources.

Water Needs
Like many other aroids (plants in the arum family, like Monstera and Philodendron), this houseplant is sensitive to overwatering. Ensure the top couple of inches of the potting mix dries to the touch before you water it. The leaves may turn yellow and drop prematurely if it dries out too much or is overwatered.

Humidity Needs
This variety of Alocasia enjoys above-average relative humidity levels. Happily, it tolerates average conditions, as well. If you want to boost relative humidity levels for your plant, group it with other houseplants, grow it in a large terrarium or display case.

Fertilizing Alocasia Corazon Aquino
Fertilize in spring and summer, if you wish, with a fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants. Just be sure to follow the directions on the product packaging. Never apply more fertilizer than the instructions recommend.

You shouldn't need to prune this plant except to remove any old or damaged leaves. 

Note: This plant may have some natural degree of toxicity and may cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Additionally, exposure to the sap of this plant may cause discomfort to individuals with a sensitivity to it upon contact. Grown for ornamental purposes and not intended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Purifies the air

Complement your Alocasia Corazon

Contrast this Alocasia's silvery foliage with the rich purple-black foliage of Geo.

Silver Dragon Alocasia
Go for a stunning silver-on-silver look with these two Alocasia varieties.

Silver Streak Pothos
Silver Streak Pothos provides an upright element to this Alocasia's mounding form, making them natural plant partners.


Is Alocasia Corazon grown from tissue culture?
Yes. Here at Costa Farms, we use tissue culture to propagate this Alocasia variety.