Crossandra (Crossandra infundibuliformis)

Crossandra Plant Features

Crossandra is a versatile plant grown as an annual, perennial, or flowering houseplant, depending on where you live. It's prized as much for its constant display or orange or apricot flowers and attractive shiny foliage as it is for its easy-growing nature. 

In Northern areas, treat crossandra as an annual, mixing it with other sun-loving flowers in garden beds and borders. It's also an excellent plant for container gardens, pairing well with sun-tolerant coleus, lantana, and angelonia. 

In frost-free regions, crossandra is treated as an evergreen perennial that blooms most of the year. It has excellent heat tolerance, making it a fine choice for sun-baked garden beds and borders. 

Indoors, crossandra is a lovely flowering houseplant for bright spots. Accent it with a contrasting container (we think purple or white pots are stunning against the flowers) or complement its beautiful blooms with a terra-cotta container. 

Crossandra Questions?
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Crossandra Growing Instructions

Outdoors, grow crossandra in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. It prefers lots of organic matter, such as compost, in the soil for best blooms. Water crossandra when the soil starts to dry out. Don't let it dry out. 

Indoors, as a flowering houseplant, give crossandra as much light as you can. It thrives in a sunny window or under bright artificial lights. Water when the soil surface starts to dry. 

Fertilize crossandra with a general-purpose fertilizer, following the directions on the packaging. 

Crossandra is not intended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Attracts butterflies

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Deer/rabbit resistant

    Super-easy to grow

Our favorite varieties

Orange Marmalade Crossandra

Orange Marmalade Crossandra

Crossandra 'Orange Marmalade'

A winner in our Trial Garden, Orange Marmalade shows off shiny green foliage and bright orange flowers. It grows 2 feet tall and wide.