Daylily (Hemerocallis)

Daylily Plant Features

Perhaps the most popular perennial flower on the planet, daylily comes in an almost unlimited array of spectacular colors and bi-colors. Most grow 18 to 30 inches tall and produce waves of flowers. Each flower lasts but a day, but the plants more than make up for it in flower production. Daylilies come in early-, mid-, and late-flowering types as well as re-bloomers that flower on and off all season. These rugged sun-lovers can grow most anywhere and are so tough you can almost drive a car over them and they'll pop right back. Once established, daylilies need very little care to keep them fit. Hardy from zones 3-8.

Daylily Questions?
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Daylily Growing Instructions

Daylilies have simple demands -- lots of sun and an occasional drink from the garden hose. These hardy perennials will tolerate a wide range of soil conditions and have few insect or disease problems. Give them a little slow-release granular fertilizer in spring when new growth appears and then leave them alone. Mulch daylilies to keep grassy weeds at bay that can be hard to distinguish next to the plant's narrow foliage.

Note: The buds and flowers of some daylily varieties have a sweet/spicy flavor and can be incorporated into salads and stir fry. Most of the plant, however, is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Low water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors







  • Special Features

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Fragrant flowers/foliage


    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Daylily

Black-Eyed Susan
The sunny yellow and orange flowers of Black-eyed Susan look terrific when mingled with Daylily.

Daylily comes in so many different colors and bloom times, they often look their best in a bed packed with other members of their own family.

Another dependable summer bloomer, Coneflower makes a low-maintenance partner for Daylily.

Our favorite varieties

Always Afternoon

Always Afternoon

Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon'

So pretty, it’s almost impossible to describe, ‘Always Afternoon’ daylily is a reblooming variety with mauve petals edged in buff and highlighted by a purple eye. The flowers are nearly 6 inches across! It’s an award-winning choice for your garden. Zones 3-8

Chicago Apache

Chicago Apache

Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache'

Chicago Apache bears 6-inch-wide rich red flowers in midsummer. It often reblooms into late summer if the faded flowers are removed. Chicago Apache grows 30 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Zones 3-9



Hemerocallis 'Cosmopolitan'

Cosmopolitan daylily is a charming variety that shows off 2-1/2-inch-wide flowers on 18-inch-tall stems. It blooms early in the season and shows off reddish-pink flowers. Zones 3-9

Custard Candy

Custard Candy

Hemerocallis 'Custard Candy'

Talk about daylily with everything! ‘Custard Candy’ produces a seemingly endless supply of ruffled, 4-inch-wide yellow flowers with a broad maroon band and green center. It grows 24 inches tall and wide. Zones 3-9

Daring Deception

Daring Deception

Hemerocallis 'Daring Deception'

There's a lot to love from Daring Deception! This variety shows off 5-inch-wide creamy-pink flowers with a bold burgundy-purple center and edges. Plus, it reblooms all summer long! It grows 24 inches tall and wide. Zones 3-9

EveryDayLily Yellow Punch

EveryDayLily Yellow Punch

Hemerocallis 'EveryDayLily Yellow Punch'

EveryDayLily Yellow Punch is a low-growing variety that starts blooming in late spring and continues off and on through autumn. It shows off yellow and orange-pink flowers on 15-inch-tall stems. Zones 4-8

Final Touch

Final Touch

Hemerocallis 'Final Touch'

Final Touch daylily is a fragrant pink-and-lavender variety that shows off large, 5-inch wide flowers late in the season. It grows 32 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Zones 3-8

Funny Valentine

Funny Valentine

Hemerocallis 'Funny Valentine'

Funny Valentine is an exceptional variety that shows off rich red flowers (that are 5-1/2 inches across) in midsummer. It grows 28 inches tall and 24 wide. Zones 3-9

Happy Returns

Happy Returns

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'

An early bloomer that keeps on flowering throughout the summer, ‘Happy Returns’ develops masses of fragrant, 3-inch-wide pure yellow flowers over bright green leaves. Zones 3-10

Jolyene Nichole

Jolyene Nichole

Hemerocallis 'Jolyene Nichole'

Jolyene Nichole daylily is a midseason bloomer that shows off dusty-pink ruffled blooms to 6 inches across. It grows 14 inches tall and 18 inches wide. Zones 3-8

Orange Flurry

Orange Flurry

Hemerocallis Orange Flurry

A garden knockout, Orange Flurry daylily features fragrant apricot-orange flowers in summer. It grows 15 inches tall and wide. Zones 3-9

Purple d'Oro

Purple d'Oro

Hemerocallis 'Purple d'Oro'

A purple version of the ever-popular ‘Stella d’ Oro’, ‘Purple d’ Oro’ shows off 3-inch-wide purple flowers throughout the spring and summer. It’s super reliable and looks terrific planted with its yellow-flowering cousin. Zones 4-9

Rose Katherine

Rose Katherine

Hemerocallis 'Rose Katherine'

An exceptional bloomer, Rose Katherine daylily bears tons of small pink flowers in midsummer. The blooms are delightfully fragrant, too! It grows 24 inches tall and 18 inches wide. Zones 3-9

Siloam Little Girl

Siloam Little Girl

Hemerocallis 'Siloam Little Girl'

Siloam Little Girl is a charmer that shows off soft 3-inch-wide peach-pink flowers in midsummer. It grows 18 inches tall and wide. Zones 3-9

Strawberry Candy

Strawberry Candy

Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy'

Ruffled, strawberry-pink 4-inch-wide flowers with dark rose highlights make ‘Strawberry Candy’ daylily a sweet treat for beds, borders, and containers. This popular re-bloomer is super dependable. It grows 26 inches tall and 24 inches wide. Zones 3-9

Stella d'Oro

Stella d'Oro

Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro'

‘Stella ‘d Oro’ daylily has earned its role as one of the most popular perennials in North America. This super-hardy, re-blooming variety never seems to stop producing its bright yellow 3-inch-wide flowers. It’s ideal for low-maintenance landscapes and containers. Zones 3-10

Woodside Romance

Woodside Romance

Hemerocallis 'Woodside Romance'

Woodside Romance daylily is a fragrant midseason bloomer that shows off large, 5-inch-wide rose-pink flowers on 27-inch-tall stems. It grows 28 inches wide. Zones 3-8