Foxglove (Digitalis)

Foxglove Plant Features

Tall spikes of tubular flowers with speckled throats make foxglove a must-have perennial for your garden. These lovely, sun-loving plants are a snap to grow and they look amazing planted in drifts or clumps scattered throughout your flower border. The deer-resistant plants grow 2 to 4 feet tall. Foxgloves are short-lived perennials, but do self-sow so you can keep enjoying them in your garden even after the parent plants die. Butterflies and hummingbirds love to feed on the nectar-rich flowers of foxglove. Hardy from zones 4-8.

Foxglove Questions?
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Foxglove Growing Instructions

Foxgloves thrive in any sunny or partially sunny location. They prefer a rich, slightly moist soil so be sure to mulch the plants to maintain consistent soil moisture. If you remove the main flower stalk after the blooms fade you may encourage new side shoots to grow and bloom. However, always be sure to leave some flowers in place if you want the plants to set seed and spread. Remember, foxglove is a short-lived plant so letting it self sow is the best way to have new flowers every year. 

Note: Human or animal consumption of foxglove should be avoided because the plants can be toxic.
  • Water


  • Light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors





  • Special Features

    Attracts butterflies

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Deer/rabbit resistant

Complement your Foxglove

The silver foliage of Artemisia and the speckled flowers of Foxglove are a smart combination.

The trumpet shaped blooms of Daylily and Foxglove look great planted in the same border.

Like Foxglove, Coneflower will perform almost as well in light shade as it does in sun.

Our favorite varieties

Camelot Lavender

Camelot Lavender

Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Lavender'

Unlike most foxgloves that bloom their second year and then die, ‘Camelot Lavender’ blooms its first and second year before setting seed and dying off. This lovely variety grows 3 to 4 feet tall and produces marvelous spikes of lavender-mauve, trumpet-shaped blooms artistically splashed with darker spots on the interior of each flower. Zones 4-8

Camelot Rose

Camelot Rose

Digitalis purpurea 'Camelot Rose'

Tall flower spikes encrusted with pink, trumpet-like blooms make ‘Camelot Rose’ foxglove an outstanding plant for the back-of-the border. Blooming its first and second season, ‘Camelot Rose’ will also self sow so you get a steady supply of new plants every year. Zones 4-8

Foxlight Ruby Glow

Foxlight Ruby Glow

Digitalis 'Foxlight Ruby Glow'

This exotic variety shows off purple-pink flowers flushed with warm orange. It grows 24 inches tall and wide. Zones 7-10

Dalmatian Peach

Dalmatian Peach

Digitalis purpurea 'Dalmatian Peach'

Dalmatian Peach is a delightful foxglove that offers peachy-yellow flowers in late spring and summer. Unlike many other biennial varieties of foxglove, Dalmatian Peach often blooms the first year from seed, so it can be grown as an annual. It grows 24 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Zones 4-8



Digitalis 'Goldcrest'

Goldcrest foxglove is a long-blooming variety that shows off spikes of golden-yellow flowers all summer long, making it perfect for adding interest to your garden or landscape. Goldcrest foxglove grows 20 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Zones 5-9