Lily, Asiatic (Lilium)

Lily, Asiatic Plant Features

The highlight of the summer garden, Asiatic lily is one of the most stunning and easy-care perennials you can grow. All you need to do is tuck them into open sunny spots in your garden and stand back. These beauties pop into bloom in a variety of colors including red, yellow, orange, purple, pink, white and dramatic bi-colors. Asiatic lily flowers appear in clusters at the very top of the plant which makes them ideal for cutting gardens. The plants grow 18 to 24 inches tall and form from bulbs that get bigger and better every year. Asiatic lilies are also relatively deer resistant. Hardy from zones 3-8.

Asiatic Lily Questions?
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Lily, Asiatic Growing Instructions

Plant Asiatic lily in a sunny spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sun a day. They require well-drained soil and can rot in a constantly wet spot. If you cut Asiatic lily for fresh bouquets, remove the brown stamens from the center of the flowers to prevent accidental staining of your clothes and encourage the flowers to last longer. Dig and divide the plants in the fall every three or four years. After blooming, Asiatic lily will slowly go dormant until the following spring.

Asiatic lily is not intended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors





  • Special Features

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Deer/rabbit resistant

    Fragrant flowers/foliage

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Lily, Asiatic

The yellow flowers of Coreopsis look terrific with the fiery blooms of Asiatic Lily.

Phlox, Garden
Garden Phlox makes a good companion for Asiatic Lily because it's foliage helps hide the lily when it goes dormant in the later summer.

The blue flowers of Nepeta provide cooling contrast to the bright blooms of Asiatic Lily.

Our favorite varieties

Tiny Rocket Asiatic Lily

Tiny Rocket Asiatic Lily

Lilium ‘Tiny Rocket’

Upfacing red flowers makes this dwarf Asiatic lily a joy massed in the garden (or a grouped in a container). Growing 14 to 16 inches tall, the deep red flowers of ‘Tiny Rocket’ are accented with dark red. 'Tiny Rocket’ blooms midsummer to fall in sun or partially shaded areas. Zones 2-9

Ladylike Lily

Ladylike Lily

Lilium 'Tango Ladylike'

A bold, eye-catching variety, Ladylike shows off fragrant pink flowers that have a wide golden-yellow center. It grows 18 inches tall and 8 inches wide. Zones 3-8

Tiny Yellow Sensation Asiatic Lily

Tiny Yellow Sensation Asiatic Lily

Lilum 'Tiny Yellow Sensation'

Tiny Yellow Sensation is a dramatic variety that shows off yellow flowers speckled in rich burgundy. It grows about 20 inches tall. Zones 3-8

Tiny Skyline Asiatic Lily

Tiny Skyline Asiatic Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Skyline'

A low-growing variety, Tiny Skyline reaches about 16 inches tall and produces bright orange flowers in early summer. Zones 3-8

Tiny Padhye Asiatic Lily

Tiny Padhye Asiatic Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Padhye'

Part of the Tiny series of dwarf Asiatic lilies, this variety grows about 18 inches tall and shows off burgundy-red flowers with petal tips in early summer. Zones 3-8

Tiny Bee Asiatic Lily

Tiny Bee Asiatic Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Bee'

Cheerful and dramatic, this perennial for sun shows off bright yellow flowers every year in early summer. It grows about 18 inches tall. Zones 3-8

Tiny Ghost Lily

Tiny Ghost Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Ghost'

With a name like 'Tiny Ghost', you might expect white flowers, but this stunner surprises with rich, violet-red flowers in early summer. It grows 18 inches tall. Zones 3-8

Tiny Toons Lily

Tiny Toons Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Toons'

Tiny Toons is a compact variety that grows 16 inches tall and offers rich pink flowers in late spring. Zones 3-8

Tiny Dancer Asiatic Lily

Tiny Dancer Asiatic Lily

Lilium 'Tiny Dancer'

Easy-to-grow and beautiful, Tiny Dancer Asiatic lily blooms in early summer, showing off pink flowers. It grows 18 inches tall. Zones 3-8

Buzzer Asiatic Lily

Buzzer Asiatic Lily

Lilum 'Buzzer'

Buzzer Asiatic lily shows off rich reddish flowers in early summer. It grows 24 inches tall and 8 inches wide. Zones 3-8