Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma)

Mini Monstera Plant Features

Mini Monstera (aka Rhaphidophora tetrasperma) looks like several popular plants: it resembles a smaller version of Monstera deliciosa (hence its common name!). Some plant lovers may also mistake it for a Philodendron because of its split leaves. But botanically, this plant is neither. 

From a plant collecting perspective, here’s how Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is different -- and why it’s such a hot houseplant. It has smaller leaves than Monstera deliciosa, but they bear its dramatic fenestration--the splits and holes in leaves--at an earlier age. It's a climbing houseplant you can grow as a vine or trim back to keep it more full and bushy. 

As a young plant, you can enjoy Rhaphidophora tetrasperma on bright desks and tabletops, or even in hanging baskets. As it matures, you might find you prefer to grow it as a bold floor plant. If left unpruned, it can easily climb more than 6 feet!

Buy Mini Monstera
Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Find it in our Trending Tropicals® collection online or at your favorite local garden center. Buy now

Mini Monstera Growing Instructions

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma prefers medium  to bright, indirect light (enough that it casts a medium to strong shadow most of the day). If you don't have a bright spot for it where it gets lots of natural light, you can supplement with fluorescent or LED lights. While this climbing houseplant enjoys bright light, avoid spots where it gets a lot of direct afternoon sun. Its leaves may burn if placed in direct sunlight.

This houseplant would prefer to stay a little too dry than too wet, so take care not to overwater it. To keep your plant happy, check the soil every few days and use your fingers or a moisture meter to probe the top few inches of the potting mix. If you detect moisture, it doesn't need water. Don’t allow Rhaphidophora to completely dry out. Keep in mind that the frequency of watering changes throughout the year and depends on the size of the pot your plant grows in as well as the temperature of the indoor environment. It's best to water as the plant needs it, rather than by following a set schedule. 

Native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma prefers above-average relative humidity levels, but does just fine in the humidity levels found in the typical home. If you live in an arid climate, or your home or office has especially dry air (for example, there's a heater or air conditioner that runs a lot), augmenting moisture levels in the air with a small humidifier may make your plant happier. 

Good news! This houseplant isn’t particularly hungry in terms of nutrient needs, so you can fertilize as little as once or twice a year (in spring and summer is usually best). If you want to see your Rhaphidophora grow quicker, fertilize more frequently. Choose a product designed for houseplants. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer label. Never use more than the instructions recommend.

If you have space for it to climb, you should find pruning isn't really needed. You can trim the new growth to encourage it to branch and become fuller, rather than focusing its growth from one main shoot. 

This variety is grown for ornamental use and is not intended for human or animal consumption. We advise keeping it out of reach from children or pets that may nibble.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Mini Monstera

Moonlight Scindapsus
Pair Scindapsus Moonlight (AKA Sterling Silver) with Rhaphidophora tetrasperma for a delightful and elegant look.

Little Swiss Monstera
Little Swiss Monstera also has relatively small (when young) fenestrated leaves, so growing these to plants next to each other can create interesting texture.


Is this the same plant as Ginny Philodendron?
Yes! Unfortunately with aroids, common names can get confusing. While it is commonly called Mini Monstera, Monstera minima, Ginny Philodendron, and other names, it's true botanical name is Rhaphidophora tetrasperma.