Monstera Peru (Monstera sp. Peru)

Monstera Peru Plant Features

Monstera sp. Peru (also called Green Galaxy Monstera) is an exotic and trendy houseplant that features fabulously textured foliage. Unlike other more common monstera varieties, the leaves have a decidedly ripped, almost corrugated appearance. This characteristic gives the plant a distinctive look that sets it apart from other houseplants.

The plant has similar growing needs to other monstera varieties, as well as many pothos and philodendron varieties, making it an ideal selection to grow with them. Like other climbing aroids, you can enjoy it a multitude of ways. One trendy way to grow it is climbing upright on a totem. It’s also an elegant choice trailing from a hanging basket or horizontally across a tabletop, mantle, or desk. As it grows, it can easily climb more than 6 feet indoors, though it’s a relatively slow grower compared to golden pothos or Brasil philodendron.

Note: You may also see this species sold as Monstera karstenianum and even Epipremnum Marble Planet.

Buy Monstera sp. Peru
Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Find it in our Trending Tropicals® collection online or at your favorite local garden center. Check out a list of our retailer partners. Buy now

Monstera Peru Growing Instructions

Grow Monstera sp. Peru where it gets medium to bright light. That means it should create a medium to strong shadow throughout much of the day. Happily, it doesn’t require natural sunlight: This monstera enjoys both natural and artificial light.
Tip: Give Monstera sp. Peru medium to bright light for the happiest, healthiest plant, but avoid too much direct sun, especially in Southern areas. A lot of intense, direct light can cause unsightly sunburn (which shows up as bleached spots on the leaves).

Like most other houseplants, Monstera sp. Peru is sensitive to overwatering. Always let the top two or three of inches (for small pots) of the potting mix dry before adding more water again. It has relatively thick leaves, which allow it to tolerate drying out for short periods. Overwatering can cause the leaves to go yellow and drop prematurely.

Give your Monstera sp. Peru average to above-average relative humidity levels indoors. If your home or office has particularly dry air, the plant will appreciate it if you boost ambient moisture levels. One easy way to do this is to group your Monstera in a cluster with other houseplants. Or place a small humidifier nearby. Alternatively, grow it over a wide pebble tray.

Monstera sp. Peru isn’t a particularly hungry plant, so you can fertilize it in spring and summer if you wish. For faster growth, you can fertilize more frequently. Select a fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants or container plants. Follow the directions on the product packaging, and never use more fertilizer (in terms of quantity or frequency) than the instructions on the product’s packaging recommend.

Pruning typically isn't necessary for this slow-growing vine. You can pinch back the new growth to encourage it to branch and become fuller, rather than focusing its growth from one main shoot.

This variety is grown for ornamental use and is not intended for human or animal consumption. We advise keeping it out of reach from children or pets that may nibble.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

Complement your Monstera Peru

Moonlight Scindapsus
Contrast the monstera's stunning texture with the beautiful silver overlay of this Scindapsus.

Little Swiss Monstera
Grow two monsteras together! Contrast their leaves and enjoy twice the beauty.