Painted Lady Philodendron (Philodendron Painted Lady)

Painted Lady Philodendron Plant Features

Philodendron Painted Lady is a spectacular climbing houseplant that features bold variegated foliage and an easy-care nature. This makes it a top choice for beginners and experienced plant parents alike. Each new leaf emerges a golden-yellow color with chartreuse speckling. As the leaves age, the golden yellow goes to light green and the chartreuse becomes a deeper green color. Pink petioles add to the overall look. 

A young Painted Lady Philodendron is an excellent choice for bright tabletops and windowsills. As the plant ages, it wants to climb, so you can either give it a support (such as a trellis or moss pole) to grow up, or you can periodically prune it to keep it more full and bushy. In time, it can climb to 6 feet or more. 

Buy Painted Lady Philodendron

Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Look for Costa Farms' Philodendron Painted Lady in the Trending Tropicals® collection at your favorite retailer. See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners.


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Painted Lady Philodendron Growing Instructions

Painted Lady Philodendron Light Needs
This variegated houseplant likes a medium to bright spot where it has a strong shadow for at least a couple of hours each day. In many homes, an ideal spot is within 3 or 4 feet of an unobstructed east- or west-facing window. You can still enjoy Painted Lady if you don't have a bright window. It also thrives under plant lights, or next to a less-than-bright window and boosted with with a plant light.

Painted Lady Philodendron Water Needs
Water this Philodendron like most others --- as the top inch or two of the potting mix dries. If this houseplant stays wet for too long, the roots will suffocate, die, and rot. If you’re not sure whether your plant needs water, it’s usually better to wait a day or two and check again. It withstands being too dry rather than too wet.

Painted Lady Philodendron Humidity Needs
It prefers average to above-average relative humidity levels indoors (at least 40 to 50%). If the air is particularly dry, you may find the new leaves can unfurl improperly and grow out malformed. If you fear the air is too dry for this houseplant, augment humidity levels. One way to do this is to grow it with other houseplants (plants release moisture into the air as they grow). Or place it near a small humidifier. You can alternatively grow it in a display case or under a cloche.

Fertilizer Needs
Fertilize your Philodendron regularly if you want it to grow faster, or feed it as infrequently as once or twice a year. In most conditions, spring and summer are the best times to fertilize as the days are longer so there’s more light to fuel more growth. You can use any general-purpose houseplant fertilizer, just be sure not to exceed the recommended application rates on the product packaging. Too much fertilizer can burn the roots and may possibly kill the plant.

Pruning Needs
Painted Lady Philodendron is a climbing houseplant and doesn't require much pruning unless you wish to control its size or shape. You may prune or pinch it back periodically to keep it short, full, and bushy. Or you can let it climb without pruning – it’s up to you.

Painted Lady Philodendron is not intended for human or animal consumption.

  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Purifies the air

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Painted Lady Philodendron

Golden Goddess Philodendron
Golden Goddess Philodendron has bright golden-yellow leaves that are a lovely accent to Painted Lady.

Pink Princess Philodendron
Pink Princess is a close relative and enjoy similar growing conditions.

Philodendron squamiferum
Contrast Philodendron squamiferum's boldly lobed leaves with Painted Lady's elegant variegated foliage.