Shingle Plant (Rhaphidophora hayi)

Shingle Plant Plant Features

Shingle plant (Rhaphidophora hayi) earned its common name because of the way it climbs. As it grows, it produces aerial roots along its stem that secure it to a vertical surface. Its foliage also tends to grow flat against the support, giving the effect of lush green roof shingles.

A climbing houseplant, shingle plant grows and looks best with a porous support on which to ascend. It’s relatively slow growing, but can get several feet tall indoors. Eventually, with good care, it becomes a striking floor plant.

Shingle plant is a popular aroid, and closely related to monstera, pothos, and philodendron.

Buy Shingle Plant
Look for Costa Farms' shingle plant in the Trending Tropicals® collection at your favorite retailer. See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners.

Shingle Plant Growing Instructions

Grow shingle plant in a medium to bright indirect light. This means a spot where it casts a moderate to strong shadow throughout the day. Avoid direct afternoon sun, particularly in hot-summer climates. Exposure to direct light can cause sunburn, which appears as bleached areas of the leaves.
Tip: Shingle plant will grow happily with natural or artificial light. If you don't have a bright window to grow it near, it can thrive under fluorescent or LED lights.

Water shingle plant as the top two or three inches of the potting mix starts to dry to the touch. Take care not to overwater. If it stays wet for extended periods, its root may suffocate and rot.

Shingle plant prefers above-average humidity levels and can suffer if the air is too dry. Boost humidity in its environment by growing it in a large terrarium, over a large pebble tray, near a small humidifier, or grouped together with other houseplants.

If you wish, feed your shingle plant in spring and summer. You can use any general-purpose fertilizer labeled for use on houseplants. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging. Never apply more product than the instructions recommend. Excess fertilization can cause root damage.

You don’t typically need to do any pruning to your shingle plant.

Note: Shingle plant is grown for ornamental use only. It is not intended for human or animal consumption. We advise keeping it out of reach of children or pets that may ingest it.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

Complement your Shingle Plant

Moonlight Scindapsus
Enjoy shingle plant with its cousin, Sterling Silver scindapsus. Both prefer similar conditions.

Network Calathea
Complement Network™ Calathea with this exotic houseplant.

Watermelon Peperomia
Enjoy the subtle similarities and contrasts of these two plants. They make a superb pairing in any collection.