Viola, Perennial (Viola spp.)

Viola, Perennial Plant Features

Perennial violas look a lot like their cousins, pansies. But, perennial violas offer the benefit of coming back year after year, adding early-season color to the garden, as well as lots of curb appeal first thing in the season when relatively few other plants bloom. Perennial violas bloom in a wide range of colors, and have a soft, old-fashioned feel that makes them ideal for use in cottage gardens. Because these spring flowers are low growing, they're excellent choices for the front of the border or lining walkways and sidewalks. Hardiness varies by variety; if you live in an especially cold-winter area, be sure to check the hardiness before planting.

Viola, Perennial Growing Instructions

Grow perennial violas in full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours each day) or partial shade. Most varieties can grow quite well in shade, but don't bloom as profusely. Water perennial violas enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet. Though these spring-flowering plants can tolerate some drought, they look better -- and bloom better -- with regular watering. 

If you have average or good soil, you don't need to fertilize perennial violas. You can fertilize if you wish, however -- using any general-purpose garden fertilizer. Follow the directions on the product packaging. Topdressing your soil with compost each year will also help perennial violas to thrive. 

Because violas are cool-weather-loving early-spring flowers, a layer of mulch over the soil around them can keep them happy and blooming later into the spring or early summer. A 2- to 3-inch-deep layer of mulch helps keep the soil cool and moist. 

Perennial violas don't require regular pruning, but you can cut the plants back in summer once hot weather sets in and stresses the plants. 
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Shade

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors







  • Special Features

    Fragrant flowers/foliage

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Viola, Perennial

Dianthus, Perennial
Perennial dianthus is another low-growing plant that looks lovely interplanted with perennial violas.

Complement perennial violas with coreopsis. Early varieties of coreopsis will pick up blooming when perennial viols begin to fade.

Accent perennial viola with the beautiful blue, pink, or white flowers of delphinium.

Our favorite varieties

Celestial Northern Lights

Celestial Northern Lights

Viola cornuta 'Celestial Northern Lights'

Celestial Northern Lights perennial viola shows off delightful purple flowers accented with warm orange markings. It blooms all spring and into summer. Celestial Northern Lights viola grows 10 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Zones 5-9

Halo Violet

Halo Violet

Viola cornuta 'Halo Violet'

Halo Violet perennial viola is an outstanding selection that shows off rich purple flowers all spring long. It offers great heat tolerance, so it will flower longer than many other varieties on the market. It grows 10 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Zones 5-9



Viola 'Etain'

Etain is an outstanding perennial viola that bears soft creamy-yellow flowers edged in purple. It has has a wonderful fragrance. Like other perennial violas, it blooms in spring and early summer. It grows 8 inches tall and wide. Zones 5-8

Halo Sky Blue

Halo Sky Blue

Viola cornuta 'Halo Sky Blue'

Halo Sky Blue perennial violet has large lavender-blue flowers in spring and early summer. It grows 12 inches tall and wide. Zones 5-9