Ardisia (Ardisia humilis)

Ardisia Plant Features

An uncommon -- but exceptional -- houseplant, ardisia features rich green foliage that adds life and cheer to any indoor space. It's a slow-growing shrub that, when young, makes an attractive addition to the top of a brightly lit table, desk, or bureau. Older specimens are great floor plants, where their upright shapes add interest and appeal to indoor spaces.

If ardisia gets enough light, it may form tiny pink or white flowers indoors. These blooms sometimes give way to colorful fruits. 

Ardisia Questions?
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Ardisia Growing Instructions

Grow ardisia in medium to bright light. It also appreciates high humidity and thrives if you add moisture to dry air via a small humidifier or by setting the plant on a tray filled with sand or pebbles and water. Boosting the humidity level can prevent the leaf tips from turning brown. 

Water ardisia enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet or saturated. That may mean once a week or so, depending on the size of the plant, the size of the pot, and how much light it receives. (The more light, the more water ardisia prefers.) 

Fertilize ardisia a few times a year to keep it alive. It will grow faster and look lusher if you fertilize more frequently during the spring and summer months. Use a fertilizer formulated for houseplants and follow the directions on the packaging. 

Note: Ardisia is not for human or animal consumption. 
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Purifies the air

Complement your Ardisia

Jungle Drum
Grow ardisia with the textural foliage of jungle drum for a stunning combination.

Purple Perfection
Purple pefection has lovely purple leaves that contrast with ardisia perfectly.

Zebra Plant
Add a showstopping note to ardisia with zebra plant's beautifully striped foliage.

Our favorite varieties

Red Ardisia

Red Ardisia

Ardisia humilis

Red ardisia earns its name from the reddish hue the new foliage takes on. As each leaf matures, it transforms from reddish bronze to lime green before maturing to rich green.