Cleome (Cleome)

Cleome Plant Features

A snap to grow, cleome develops armloads of pink, white, or rose colored blooms from mid-summer to fall. Each bloom has long slender stamens that are said to resemble spiders, hence the plant's common name, spider flower. Cleome comes in standard and dwarf sizes. Standard cleome can grow 4 feet tall; dwarf varieties grow 2 feet tall and make great container plants. These easy-care flowers act like perennials in the southern part of their range, but throughout most of the country cleome is considered an annual. They look terrific planted en masse or mixed in the back of the border with other tall bloomers. Cleome is also highly attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Hardy from zones 8-11.

Cleome Questions?
Email us and one of our flower experts will get back to you.

Cleome Growing Instructions

Plant cleome in a sunny spot that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. Cleome isn't fussy about soil type and can tolerate dry conditions. The plants will often reseed themselves so remove the faded flowers as they appear if you want to keep them from spreading. Wear gloves when working with cleome. The mature plants develop short, sharp spines along the stems.

Cleome is not intended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Low water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors




  • Special Features

    Attracts butterflies

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Cleome

Salvia, Annual
Annual Salvia and Cleome make a colorful combination in the back of the border.

Tall Marigolds make great partners for cleome. They complement each other in height, flower color, and bloom time.

Our favorite varieties

Senorita Mi Amor

Senorita Mi Amor

Cleome 'Senorita Mi Amor'

Easy-care and drought-tolerant, Senorita Mi Amor shows off pink flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. It grows 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It was a top performer in our Miami Trial Garden.