Firebush (Hamelia patens)

Firebush Plant Features

Firebush is for you if you're looking for an easy-to-grow plant that's colorful and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds! Native to Florida, firebush is a tropical landscape shrub that shows off tube-shaped yellow-and-orange flowers. In areas that don't see frost, this flowering shrub blooms all year long; in the North, where it's often grown as an annual or as a container-garden plant, firebush blooms without stop until frost. It's hardy in Zones 9 and 10.

As a tropical flowering shrub, firebush can grow 10 feet tall and wide at maturity; in the North as an annual or container garden plant, you can typically expect it to grow about 4 feet tall and wide by the end of the season. No matter where you live, though, it's easy to keep firebush in check by pruning it. 

Grow firebush with other butterfly-attracting annuals or perennials in garden beds or borders. It's also a standout plant by itself or mixed with other plants in container gardens. As a landscape shrub, firebush is perfect for softening fences, growing as a privacy hedge, or adding color with other flowering shrubs. 

Firebush Questions?
Just ask our experts! Send us an email and someone will get in touch with you. 

Firebush Growing Instructions

Grow firebush in full sun for the best blooms. It tolerates partial shade, but doesn't bloom as well and grows more slowly.

Firebush tolerates dry soil like a champ, but this drought-resistant flowering shrub blooms better with consistent watering during extended periods of hot, dry weather. 

Prune firebush any time it starts to grow out of bounds. 

Note: Firebush is not intended for human or animal consumption, but butterflies and hummingbirds love drinking its nectar!
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Attracts butterflies

    Attracts hummingbirds

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Firebush

Hibiscus, Tropical
Add drama and pizzazz to firebush with the flamboyant flowers of tropical hibiscus.

Butterfly Bush
Butterfly bush is another favorite of butterflies and hummingbirds. Like firebush, it's also remarkably easy to grow.

Attract scores of butterflies to your yard, deck, or patio with this combo of blooming tropical shrubs!