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6 Colorful Flowers for Tropical Color Schemes
The fastest way to infuse color on porches and patios is with tropical flowers in juicy citrus colors.
Breeding a Better Hibiscus
More flowers. Bigger blooms. Increased flower longevity: Tropical Hibiscus keeps getting better through breeding.
About Plant Patents
It can be confusing to see a plant tag say "propagation prohibited." Learn more about plant patents and why tags have to say this.
5 Reasons to Love Hibiscus
Big showy flowers are the number one reason people swoon over hibiscus. But there are more reasons to plant this beauty.
Save Your Tropical Plants in Winter
Tropical plants won’t survive winter outdoors where temperatures freeze. But you can save them. Here’s how.
Tips for Growing Tropical Hibiscus
We share easy tips for growing hibiscus.
Winter Hibiscus Care Tips
Keep your favorite tropical hibiscus alive in winter -- even if you live in a cold climate.
Shades of Summer: Decorate for the Season
Decorate your deck, patio, balcony, or other outdoor space with easy-care, heat-loving Shades of Summer flowers.
Hibiscus Care Tips
Grow gorgeous tropical hibiscus with our care tips.
Tropical Plants and Vintage Style
Leafy and flowering houseplants inspired the distinctive style of vintage bark cloth.
It's Hibiscus Time!
Our beautiful hibiscus have started shipping.
Simply Sensational
Looking for an easy way to add a pop of color to your containers this year? Check out this simple idea!
Go Bold with Tropic Escape
Tropic Escape® mandevilla are easy-care tropical plants that bloom all summer. They're perfect for decorating decks, patios, and other sp...
5 Reasons to Grow Hibiscus
Tropical hibiscus are ideal garden plants. Here are five of our favorite reasons to grow them.
Plant a Party
Create a lush, colorful centerpiece that pulls double-duty as party favors.