Enjoy instant results.
Gardening is a hobby that requires a certain amount of patience. Until now. Drop and Grow® plants allow you to add a carpet of colorful blooms in matter of minutes. Drop and Grow® plants are the true instant-impact divas of the horticultural world.They are grown in a totally unique way: in rectangular slabs together rather than in individual pots. Drop and Grow® flowers are a lot like sod—a carpet of densely planted and intertwined plants that creates instant color. It's just like installing carpet or tile squares in your home. Talk about instant results. Hello results! Goodbye patience.

Pick your favorite plants.
Drop and Grow® features all your favorite plants: creeping Jenny, lantana, Mexican heather, liriope, sedums, and more. (See the full list here.) This collection of no-fuss plants is naturally tough and easy care. But because of the way these plants have been grown, you don't even need to dig a hole to plant them. Just pull them out of their container (they slip out easily) and set them on exposed soil, add mulch around them, and water well. They'll take off and create a carpet of color in no time.
Get swaths of color. Now.
Drop and Grow® plants work especially well in areas where you want to add swaths of color—and get full and instant coverage. Drop and Grow® options, such as Mexican heather, are an ideal way to dress up a patio with instant color. For example, the area between stepping stones can be transformed into mini garden space. Because the plants are grown in tiles that are the same length as commercially produced concrete steppers, they can be added between the steppers without trimming to size.WHAT WE DID HERE: We installed concrete stepping stones at the base of wood patio steps to lead into the yard.
SUCCESS TIP: Choose an area of the yard where a mass of color will draw the eye.

Prepare the planting site—in minutes.
Scratch up the soil in the planting area and remove up grass, weeds, or stones so the soil is open and ready for Drop and Grow®. This is called prepping the area. You don’t have to dig a hole—just make sure the roots of the plant will be in contact with soil.WHAT WE DID HERE: We removed sparse grass between the stepping stones—an easy job with a couple of quick passes with a gardening fork.
SUCCESS TIP: Provide a receptive underlayment of loose soil so that the roots of the Drop and Grow® plants can make contact and start to grow.

Pop the plants out of the flats.
Drop and Grow® plants are grown together in slabs—like sod. This makes for a fuller coverage and more plants per inch. Because the plants’ root systems are so established and intertwined, plants slip right out of the grower's flat. You can hold the whole thing in one hand and the soil doesn’t fall away from the roots. It’s a complete package.
Observe strong root structure in action.
Healthy beautiful plants start with healthy root systems. Think of each Drop and Grow® section in the same way you think about carpet squares—they are stand-alone pieces that fit together to make a continuous surface of color. The roots are so intertwined that you can even cut the Drop and Grow® pieces to fit into the area that you want—custom landscaping the easy way.
Simply set plants in place.
Planting doesn’t get any easier than this: simply set the Drop and Grow® panels on the soil.WHAT WE DID HERE: In this project, we placed three Drop and Grow® segments between the concrete stepping stones to create full coverage (and a tiny garden bed that matches the same dimensions as the steppers).
SUCCESS TIP: Add mulch around open edges (to cover the roots) and water well.

Create instant impact—in less than an hour.
Drop and Grow® is a brilliant solution to landscaping problems. In this project, the edge of a patio gets an instant visual upgrade (and a solid stepping platform into the yard from the deck) by adding alternating concrete stepping stones and instant foliage texture and color from Mexican heather. The simple green-and-white pattern of plants and steppers dresses up the edge patio with a garden that will be in bloom all summer. Plus the plants look great from both the yard and the deck.
Try a Sedum Cover Up
Drop and Grow® sedum offers a colorful combination of hardy, low-water sedum varieties. You can cut them into any shape you want, making them perfect for any DIY project. Sedums are ideal for adding easy-care color around sunny decks and patios, between flagstones in pathways, or in the front of garden beds and borders. Take a look at what Drop and Grow Sedum tiles can do for a walkway.